
Are There Negative Effects To The Paleo Diet?

Paleo Diets are focused on Paleolithic man's diet that he caught or gathered like free-range meat, eggs, and fruits among others.

In his book "The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet," author Robb Wolf stated that modern diet is detrimental to wellbeing as its grains, sugars and processed foods are high on carbs.

He advised that humans will have better health with a diet that humans have eaten for thousands of years. But Wolf did not discount some untoward side effects.

Australian University Professor Edith Cowan found that the diet of the Palaeolithic men is shocking in our standards and probably unhealthy too.

In short, a Paleo Diet may not be that perfect as voiced by its adherents.

Negative effects of Paleo Diet

1. Low carbs flu effect - Some people experience fatigue, irritability, lethargy and shakiness when they eliminated starches, grains and legumes from their diet.

Noel of Paleo Diet Life explained that plants in the Paleo Diet have sufficient carbs but there are changes in overall carb consumption. Your body burns fats as a fuel source instead of carbohydrates.

To reduce the low-carb flu effect, you have to lower carbohydrate consumption, instead of fats on your diet.

2. Ketogenic Breathe - Burning fat, instead of carbohydrates, will shift into a process called ketosis with ketogenic breath as byproduct that carries a distinct scent.

The exact amount differs from one individual to the next depending on activity level and size. Do not eat grains, potatoes and rice as they have carbs content and have less nutrients.

Chew mint or cilantro to take the edge off ketogenic breath.

3. Hyperthyroidism Due to low carbs, some people report hypothyroid symptoms, such as fatigue, sluggishness and sensitivity to cold.

Low-carb dieting suppresses your appetite, which can eventually set your body into a mode for starvation. When you try to eliminate large tons of weight, your body down-regulates thyroid function to save energy.

4. Cravings  You start craving for saccharine and some options that do not belong to Paleo as French fries or potato chips during the first couple of weeks of transitioning to a Paleo diet.

This is always followed by an increase in energy and mental clarity. The cravings will stop and many reported the disappearance of desire for sweets and treats.

5. Excess Protein -The Paleo diet includes large amounts of animal protein; excess animal protein consumption elevates blood levels of bad LDL

cholesterol, decreases good HDL cholesterol that increases your risk of heart disease. By-products of protein metabolism are processed by the kidneys.

Due to high-protein content of the Paleo diet, your kidneys have to work harder to remove the additional waste products.